Sunday, June 1, 2008

Beijing Opera

So I went to see Beijing Opera some time ago. It was strange. I didn’t really understand what was going on. There were actually subtitles, but they were on the far ends of the stage so I couldn’t really read them and watch the show at the same time. Beijing Opera is an acquired taste. If you are ever planning on going, bring some ear plugs or some asprin. And DO NOT go with a hangover.

There was this girl in front of me who I thought was a Korean friend of mine. So I gave her a loving rub on the head. When she turned around, it turned out she was just some random girl. She had this priceless look of fear and surprise on her face, like “Who are you, and why did you just do that??” It really wasn’t my fault. She had the same haircut! It was a little embarrassing, but still funny nonetheless.

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