Monday, February 18, 2008

pt. 2: Lance and Roy

So I get back to my hotel and I remember that I have the number of the woman who set me up on this trip in the first place. So i call her, explain my predicament (sp?) and she sets me up on a playdate with this kid who works for her. His name is "Lance." He comes to my place, answers my billion questions, takes me out to dinner, and get this: In CHina, when it comes to dinner, 3 things I learned: soup comes last, everything has bones that you cannot see, and it's perfectly ok to spit them into a nice little neat pile of chewed food, bones, and saliva on the table. Yum. I go back to my room and take a nap. He calls me later, I grab this kid I met in the lobby several hours later named "Roy" and we all go out to this bar for beers. For the price of 3 beers in an American bar, we were able to buy a small keg for the table. Nice place. I love being an overnight billionaire. I also wore my cowboy hat into the bar so I was an instant hit. The people at the bar called me green-eyed Cowboy. Next to us, these people were playing a game. This one girl (who was really cute I might add) kept losing and when you lose, they dare you to do stuff. So her first dare was to give me a kiss. (Hooray) and the next time, somehow, her losing meant I had to drink a full glass of her wiskey. Glenfiddich. (Hooray again). She lost a bunch more times and had to do a bunch of dumb stuff. I do't know what they were playing, but whatever it was, she sucked at it, and that meant good business for me! We went home and went to bed because it was almost 2 and apparently Asians go to bed real early. BTW Happy Birthday to Suz and Kat as well...


Unknown said...


You have and always will be the best story telling I ever know. I enjoyed the read.


Erica said...

Ha! Only you could go to a foreign country not knowing a work of the language.. grab some people you dont know.. go into a facility you are not farmiliar with (in a cowboy hat I might add) and make a birthday to remember out of it!.. HA! Im glad your having a good time.

Jon Appel said...

Gabe --

I love the stories so far. The picture you paint is amazing. Good to know you're on the ground safe and sound. Stay well and keep up the interesting blogs.